OpenVPN Command Line Setup on Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Debian)

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In this guide, we will show you how to easily setup OpenVPN  connection on Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Debian) through simple steps. Scroll down for more details.

Getting Things Ready

Before creating a new OpenVPN  connection on your Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Debian), first you will need to set things up:

1- You need an internet connection that works properly.

2- Make sure that your you have a Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Debian)supported device.

3- Make sure that your VPN service subscription is active (e.g: bVPN).

Setting Up OpenVPN Command Line on Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Debian) Manually

Follow the steps below in order to successfully create a new OpenVPN  connection on your Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Debian) operating systems:

1- To begin with, press “CTRL+ALT+T” in order to get access the terminal. Next, run this command: sudo apt-get install openvpn.

2- Insert your admin username and password.

3- Install the required packages.

4- Run this command: wget ““

5- Get access to the home directory, and then get to the OpenVPN files.

6- In order to extract the OpenVPN configuration files, run this command: unzip

7- Rename the folder to “Open”.

8- Run this command: sudo cp ca.crt TCP/* UDP/* Wdc.key /etc/openvpn/.

9- Run this command in order to connect to a server (e.g: German server): sudo openvpn GERMANY-TCP.ovpn.

10- Insert your VPN username after “Enter Auth Username”.

11- Insert your VPN password after “Enter Auth Password”.

12- This will trigger an initiation sequence after that you will be connected to your VPN.

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