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Home » Archive by category "Online privacy" (paged 3)
Posted June 16 2017 By admin
Posted June 16 2017 By admin
Posted June 15 2017 By admin
Posted June 15 2017 By admin
Japan is known to be one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. This means that it has one of the highest internet penetration percentages per population in the world. Sadly this comes with some complications in the form of online censorship, online surveillance and high rate of cyber crimes.
Posted June 15 2017 By admin
When it comes to social freedom, Qatar is known to be one of the freest countries in the Gulf; however when it comes to internet freedom the case is different. Similar to most countries in the Gulf, Qatar has very strict online restrictions. These restrictions are mostly due to religious reasons placed by the governing bodies.
Posted June 15 2017 By admin
Posted June 14 2017 By admin
South Korea is known to be one of the most internet-connected nations in the world with over 80 percent of its citizens having access to the internet. It is also known to have extremely high broadband speeds (the usual speed goes up to 100 Mb/s). South Korea is considered a democracy and the government encourages freedom of speech
Posted June 07 2017 By admin
Posted June 06 2017 By admin
After the recent terrorist hits on the UK, Prime Minister Theresa May called for more powerful security measures to be taken for the sake of "national security". However, when she talked about improving the security, she did not mean a stronger filtration process regarding immigration or even shutting down known extremist locations.
Posted June 05 2017 By admin