Anonabox is a type of routers that focuses mainly on providing its users with a private internet connection. Powered by a modified OpenWRT firmware, Anonabox allows its users to connect to the internet over VPN or Tor through localised setups from the router’s firmware. When connected to Tor or a VPN service provider, the router encrypts the user’s data traffic and routes it through anonymised tunnels within the internet to help users bypass geo-restriction and protect their data and online activities.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to setup VPN on Anonabox router in simple and easy steps. Scroll down for more details.
Setting Things Up
Before you begin configuring your VPN on Anonabox, you will need to make sure that the following things are ready:
1- An internet connection that is working properly.
2- An OpenVPN-supported Anonabox router.
3- A VPN client that supports OpenVPN installed on your computer.
Now that you have set up everything, let’s proceed installing your VPN. Please follow the steps below to successfully install VPN on Anonabox router.
Accessing the Router’s Admin Console
1- Launch your web browser.
2- From your browser, visit your router’s IP address by typing to get to the welcome screen.
Configuring the OpenVPN Connection
1- If you are a registered user, navigate to the “Advanced” tab, and then login.
2- If you are a new user, go to the “Setup” tab followed by a click on “Login”, and then “Set Admin Password”.
3- You will be prompted by a yellow strip at the top of the page telling you that you do not have admin password. Leave the password field blank, and proceed to click on “Login”.
4- You will be directed to a new page where you can set a new password.
5- Go to the “Settings” tab, and then click on “OpenVPN” from the drop down menu.
6- Download your VPN configuration files for manual setup.
7- Fill in the following details in the specified fields:
- Description: name of your VPN connection.
- VPN Server Type: select “OpenVPN” from the drop down menu.
- Username: insert your VPN username.
- Password: insert your VPN password.
- Configuration file: click on the “Browse” button, and then upload the VPN configuration file you have previously downloaded. Next, choose TCP or UDP , and then select the server you want to connect to.
8- Check the “Enable” box in order to connect to your VPN.
9- Click on “Save & Apply” for the changes you have made to take effect.
Congratulations! You have successfully configured VPN on Anonabox router.